A cookie is a small file with a string of characters that is sent to the user’s computer each time he visits a website. When you revisit the same site, the cookie allows the website to recognize your browser. Cookies allow you to store user preferences and other information.
The browser settings can be modified to reject all cookies or to indicate when they should be sent. However, it may be that some of the functions or services of the website do not work properly without cookies.
These cookies can also be used to collect anonymous data used to manage, improve websites and collect an analysis of the user’s behavior during the visit to the website.
There are websites that register cookies automatically, such as the user’s IP address. All computers connected to the Internet are assigned a unique number called the IP address (Internet Protocol), because these numbers are usually assigned to blocks according to the country, an IP address could be used to identify the country from which a computer is connected to the Internet. This information is obtained with the ‘Cookies’.
Finest Morocco Tour website stores and registers two OWN COOKIES:
– PHPSESSID: Own session cookie, This cookie is used by the PHP encryption language to allow SESSION variables to be saved on the web server, in our case for language selection. This cookie is essential for the operation of the web. The duration of this cookie on the user’s device is until the end of its session.
– cdp-cookies-plugin-wp: Origen: Cookies Asesor, plugin of WordPress – Type: Own Cookie, Persistent and personalization – Duration: One year.
Function: This cookie is used to show or not show the cookie policy notice depending on whether it has already been accepted or not in the blog section.
THIRD PARTY COOKIES are also stored and registered when accessing the Facebook icon located at the foot of Finest Morocco Tour site:
– ‘reg_ext_ref’: Third-party cookie owned by Facebook, whose purpose is to protect you, protect other users and protect Facebook and make Facebook easier or faster to use, etc. The duration of this cookie on the user’s device is until the end of its session.
More information about the operation of these Cookies at: https: //es-es.facebook.com/about/privacy/cookies.
Finest Morocco Tour is not responsible for the use of cookies from third party websites that are linked to our site. If you continue browsing you consent to the use of the aforementioned cookies.
We inform that our Web site is registered in Google Webmaster Tools and Google Analytics, two services provided by Google, Inc., and therefore the information generated about the use of the website will be directly transmitted and filed by Google in the US servers and only Finest Morocco Tour will be able to access.
Google Analytics is a free web analysis tool from Google that mainly allows website owners to know how users interact with their website. Also, enable cookies in the domain of the site where you are and use a set of cookies called: ‘__ utma’ and ‘__utmz’ to collect information anonymously and develop reports of trends of websites without identify individual users.
Other cookies used by Google Analytics are:
_ga – Duration of 2 years in the user’s browser. It is used to distinguish users.
_gid – Duration of 24 hours. It is used to distinguish users.
_gat – Duration of 1 minute. It is used to limit the percentage of requests.
To make the statistics of use of this Web we use cookies in order to know the level of recurrence of our visitors and the contents that are more interesting. In this way we can concentrate our efforts on improving the most visited areas and make the user more easily find what they are looking for. On this website you can use the information of your visit to perform evaluations and statistical calculations on anonymous data, as well as to guarantee the continuity of the service or to make improvements on its Web sites.
For more details about the cookies that Google products register, check the following link for the privacy policy http: / /www.google.com/intl/es/policies/privacy/
To avoid that cookies are stored on your computer or device, you should consult the instructions of your Internet browser, but keep in mind that in some cases, blocking cookies may prevent access to certain websites or some of their functions, depending on of the Internet options chosen.
You can also erase cookies easily, through the browser you are using, although when you delete them, other information such as user preferences will be deleted.
Below we detail how to eliminate these cookies in the browsers most used by users of our site :
– Internet Explorer – go to the Tools menu and select Internet Options, and then to the Privacy tab, in the General tab you can delete the cookies and the history with the visited pages. Internet Explorer 8 includes the In Private browsing mode that prevents the browser from storing cookies, temporary Internet files, history and other data.
Enable and disable cookies in Explorer
– Mozilla Firefox – in the Tools menu we select Options, and finally, Privacy from where the user can decide which cookies he accepts, from whom and until when he wants to store them on his computer. Also, if you press the button delete cookies individually, you access another menu that allows you to delete these files from the computer. Firefox 3.5 also includes the possibility of private browsing from the tools menu.
Enable and disable cookies in Firefox
– Google Chrome – Go to the Tools menu, then to Options, and click on the Advanced tab and go to the Security section, from Cookies settings, click on the Show cookies button and delete all cookies from the list, by clicking on the Remove All button. You can also delete all the cookies that you have created in a given period with the option Delete navigation data from the Tools menu.
Enable and disable cookies in Chrome
– Opera – select the Tools menu, go to delete personal information, then click on Detailed options again, select Delete all traces, uncheck the box for the other private Data options that you do not want delete and click Delete.
Enable and disable cookies in Opera
– Safari – select the Edit menu, then go to Preferences, then Security, show cookies, click Delete all and accept to close the cookie list.
Enable and disable cookies in Safari
Alternatively, you can visit www.aboutcookies.org which contains complete information on how to do it in a wide variety of browsers. You will find details on how to delete cookies from your computer (including those about this visit to Finest Morocco Tour web) as well as more general information about cookies. To do this in the browser of your mobile device you will need to consult the manual of it.
By continuing to use or browse the Finest Morocco Tour website, you accept our use of cookies for the limited purposes described above and accept our cookies policy, information that is reported by a message upon accessing our website and through a link direct at the foot of all sections of our website.
We advise you to visit our cookies policy periodically in case a change is made in this regard.
• Neither this website nor its legal representatives are responsible for the content or the veracity of the privacy policies or cookies that may be held by the third parties mentioned in this cookie policy.
• Web browsers are the tools in charge of storing cookies and from that place you must make your right to eliminate or deactivate them. Neither this website nor its legal representatives can guarantee the correct or incorrect manipulation of cookies by the aforementioned browsers.
• In the case of Google Analytics cookies, this company stores cookies on servers located in the United States and agrees not to share it with third parties, except in cases where it is necessary for the operation of the system or when the law requires for that purpose. According to Google it does not save your IP address. Google Inc. is a company adhering to the Safe Harbor Agreement that guarantees that all transferred data will be treated with a level of protection in accordance with European regulations. If you want information about the use that Google gives to cookies we attach this link https://www.google.es/intl/es-ES/policies/technologies/cookies/
• For any questions or queries about this cookie policy, please do not hesitate to contact to Finest Morocco Tour.